Why this privacy statement

GR Solutions BV is committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. We only use your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Act and other relevant prevailing legal regulations. Any reference in this Privacy Statement to the Privacy Act means a reference to the Act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data. Any reference to the Regulation is a reference to the Regulation of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

With this Privacy Statement, GR Solutions BV wants to make you aware of possible processing operations regarding this data and of your rights. By using our platform/our website/our application, you explicitly grant your consent with possible processing operations by GR Solutions BV.

This Privacy Statement may be subject to updates and changes in the future. It is up to you to consult this document on a regular basis. Any substantial change will always be clearly communicated on GR Solutions BV's platform.

Who processes the personal data?

The website grsolutions.be is an initiative of:

GR Solutions BV, Haanstraat 1/0102 8000 Bruges.

VAT number: BE0753893205

E-mail: [email protected]

What personal data are processed?

GR Solutions BV undertakes to process only the data that are relevant and necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. Following categories of personal data may be processed by GR Solutions BV:

  • Identification details
  • Financial details
  • Personal characteristics
  • Physical data
  • Living habits
  • Psychological data
  • Family composition
  • Leisure activities and interests
  • Memberships
  • Judicial data
  • Consumption habits
  • Housing characteristics
  • Education and training data
  • Data on profession and employment
  • National register number and social security identification number
  • Racial or ethnic data
  • Sexual life data
  • Political views
  • Philosophical or religious beliefs
  • Images
  • Sound recordings

For what purposes will my personal data be used?

GR Solutions BV collects personal data to provide you with a safe, optimal and personalised user experience. The collection of personal data becomes more extensive the more intensively you use the website and our online services.

Data processing is essential for the operation of the website and related services. Processing is carried out exclusively for the following specified purposes:

Giving you access to your user profile.

Providing and improving a general and personalised service; including billing purposes, offering information, newsletters and offers useful and/or necessary for you, obtaining and processing user reviews and providing support.

Offering and improving delivered products;

personalised and specific products based on information and data provided. The detection of and protection against fraud, error and/or criminal behaviour.

Marketing purposes

When visiting the GR Solutions BV website, some data is collected for statistical purposes. Such data is necessary to optimise the use of our website. These data are: IP address, likely place of consultation, hour and day of consultation, which pages were visited. When you visit the GR Solutions BV website, you agree to this data collection intended for statistical purposes as described above.

The User always provides the personal data to GR Solutions BV himself and can thus exercise a degree of control. If certain information is incomplete or apparently incorrect, GR Solutions BV reserves the right to temporarily or permanently postpone certain expected actions.

Personal data is only processed for internal use within GR Solutions BV.

We can therefore reassure you that personal data will not be sold, transferred or communicated to third parties associated with us. GR Solutions BV has taken all possible legal and technical precautions to avoid unauthorised access and use.

We use cookies too!

During a visit to our website, 'cookies' may be placed on your hard disk to better tailor the website to the needs of returning visitors. Non-functional cookies help us optimise your visit to the platform and remember technical choices.

For a further understanding of how we use cookies to collect and process your personal data, please refer to our cookie statement.

If you want to consult the GR Solutions BV website, it is recommended that you have cookies enabled. How to disable cookies, on the other hand, can also be found in our cookie statement.

What are my rights?

Guarantee of lawful and secure processing of personal data GR Solutions BV always processes your personal data fairly and lawfully. This includes the following guarantees: Personal data will only be processed in accordance with the defined and legitimate purposes of this Privacy Statement. Personal data is only processed insofar as it is adequate, relevant and not excessive. Personal data will only be kept for as long as necessary to fulfil the defined and legitimate purposes in this Privacy Statement.

The necessary technical and security measures have been taken to minimise the risks of unauthorised access to or processing of personal data. In the event of a break-in in its IT systems, GR Solutions BV will immediately take all possible measures to minimise the damage.

Right to access/correct/delete your personal data

Upon proof of your identity as a User, you have a right to obtain a determination from GR Solutions BV as to whether or not your personal data are being processed. Furthermore, when GR Solutions BV processes your data, you have the right to access the personal data collected. If you wish to exercise your right of inspection, GR Solutions BV will act on this within one (1) month of receiving the request. The request is made by registered mail or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Inaccurate or incomplete personal data can be corrected at any time.

It is primarily up to the User to correct inaccuracies and incompleteness themselves. You can exercise your right to correction by providing a supplementary statement to GR Solutions BV. GR Solutions BV will act on this within one (1) month of receiving the supplementary statement.

You also have the right to have your personal data erased by us without unreasonable delay. You can only invoke this right to be forgotten in the following cases:

When the personal data are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were originally collected;

When the personal data were collected on the basis of consent obtained and no other legal basis for the processing exists; When objection is made to the processing and no prevailing overriding compelling legitimate grounds for the processing exist; When the personal data were processed unlawfully; When the personal data must be erased in accordance with a legal obligation. GR Solutions BV assesses the presence of any of the aforementioned cases.

Right to restrict/object to the processing of your personal data. User has the right to obtain a restriction on the processing of your personal data:

For the period necessary for GR Solutions BV to verify the accuracy of the personal data, in case of dispute;

  • When the data processing is unlawful and User requests restriction of processing instead of erasure of personal data;
  • When GR Solutions BV no longer needs the User's personal data for the processing purposes and User needs the personal data regarding a legal claim;
  • For the period necessary for GR Solutions BV to assess the presence of the grounds for erasure of personal data.

User also has the right to object to the processing of its personal data at any time. GR Solutions BV will then cease processing your personal data unless GR Solutions BV can cite compelling legitimate grounds for processing your personal data that outweigh the User's right to object.

If the User wishes to exercise these rights, GR Solutions BV will act on this within one (1) month of receiving the request. The request is made via registered mail or via e-mail to [email protected].

Right to data portability

he User has the right to obtain the personal data provided to GR Solutions BV in a structured, common and machine-readable form. In addition, User has the right to transfer this personal data to another controller where the processing of the personal data rests solely on User's obtained consent.

If the User wishes to exercise this right, GR Solutions BV will act on this within one (1) month of receiving the request. The request is made via registered mail or via e-mail to [email protected].

User has the right to withdraw consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on the consent before

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