Create or be Consummated

This week, ACID (Nathan Vandergunst) mocked video clips and quotes from Gilles Ryde. So that's the power of personal branding.

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This week, one of the biggest Flemish YouTubers, ACID (Nathan Vandergunst), posted, a video In which he mocked video clips and statements by Gilles Ryde.

So that is the power of personal branding.

About a year ago, we started HAUSE media betting on both the branding of GR Solutions and the personal branding of GRS founder Gilles Ryde. 

When such a big YouTuber gets so triggered that he puts his precious time and energy into your content, then you know you are spreading a powerful message. 

"The rate of insecure men is higher than ever"

In our current society, the number of insecure men is constantly increasing. 

We increasingly see men trying to hide their insecurity by tearing down successful men. But where does this increase in insecurity come from? And why do these men feel the need to bring others down?

The "Wolf of Wall Street" effect

The "Wolf of Wall Street" effect has been widely criticised for the way it promotes a negative image of masculinity. 

It contributes to a culture where pursuing material wealth and an excessive lifestyle is seen as a sign of success and masculinity. 

This increases pressure on young men to meet these standards, leading to insecurity and self-doubt.

Consume or create

One of the quickest ways to get rid of that uncomfortable feeling is to chase "easy dopamine", which is normalised in our society. Like social media, smoking, alcohol, sex, etc.

This culture of striving for short-term pleasures and avoiding discomfort, is reinforced by the rise of social media and the constant flow of information we receive daily.

Did you know that as much dopamine is produced in your brain when you scroll through social media, as in the rats in B.F. Skinner's experiment? 

Those were conditioned to push levers until a reward was presented. But that reward was very unpredictable.

You are exactly that kind of rat when you lie around scrolling for hours until another video passes that you makes you laugh.

So be aware of what content you consume.

Does it contribute to your long-term well-being? Or do you feel momentarily relieved at the moment?

The things that trigger you in others are often reflections of what you need to work on within yourself

The traits or behaviours of others that make you angry, irritable or uncomfortable are a direct reflection of something inside yourself that still needs attention. 

Perhaps you have not yet acknowledged or processed certain emotions or sensitivities, or you unconsciously project your own values or beliefs onto others. 

Instead of blaming others, it is important to look within and examine why certain situations or behaviours affect you so strongly. So take radical responsibility for everything in your life. 

This can be an opportunity to grow, get to know yourself better and work on personal development.

Are you someone who is not afraid to be confronted with yourself? And you see life big? Then join our team.

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